Characterization of collagen-like peptides containing interruptions in the repeating Gly-X-Y sequence

Glycine is found as every third residue along the entire length of triple helices in fibrillar collagens, but the triple-helix regions of nonfibrillar collagens and other proteins usually contain one or more interruptions in this repeating pattern. A set of four peptides was designed to model the effect of interruptions in the (Gly-X-Y)n repeating pattern on triple-helix formation, stability, and folding. Into the middle of the stable triple-helical peptide (Pro-Hyp-Gly)10, an interruption was introduced representing one of the four possible categories: a glycine deletion, a deletion of a hydroxyproline (Y position), an alanine insertion, or a glycine to alanine substitution. As shown by sedimentation equilibrium, NMR, and CD studies, the introduction of an interruption still allowed formation of trimers in solution, but with marked decrease in stability. The degree of destabilization and the thermodynamic basis for the loss of stability depended on the type of interruption. The glycine substitution and alanine insertion were the least disruptive, followed by the hydroxyproline deletion, with the glycine deletion being the most destabilizing. Our results suggest that the breaks in these peptides affect both the triple-helical conformation and the monomer conformation. These studies provide a basis for considering the structural and functional consequences of different kinds of interruptions in collagen.