Theory of Slow Neutron Scattering by Liquids. I

Based on Van Hove's formalism, a general discussion of scattering in liquids has been given. The scattering cross section has been expressed in terms of velocity correlation functions; in particular, for the incoherent scattering cross section it is shown that in the Gaussian approximation for Van Hove's Gs(r, t) function, only a knowledge of the velocity autocorrelation function v(0)·v(t)T is necessary. The departure from the Gaussian approximation is expressed in terms of higher order velocity correlation functions. A derivation of an approximate formula for the width function of the Gaussian Gs(r, t), suggested earlier by the authors, has been given. The frequency spectrum of the velocity autocorrelation function has been introduced, and it has been shown that, as a consequence of the fluctuation-dissipation relations, the spectral representation of the width function is formally identical with that obtained earlier for a harmonic solid. The first few moments of the energy transfer have been discussed. Some of these moments have been shown to satisfy certain relations which involve only experimentally observable quantities; and hence, these relations can be used as a check on the internal consistency of the experimental data.