Case 22-1992: Pathogenesis of Cat Scratch Disease

Case Record 22–1992 (May 28 issue)1 described a 6 1/2-year-old girl with a diagnosis of cat scratch disease. The addendum noted that Afipia felis was detected in the patient's lymph-node specimen by polymerase-chain-reaction (PCR) assay and suggested that this provided "support to the diagnosis of cat-scratch-bacillus—induced encephalopathy." A. felis, formerly known as the "cat scratch bacillus," was isolated from lymph nodes of patients with cat scratch disease and recently characterized.2 We have attempted to verify that A. felis was the etiologic agent of cat scratch disease by evaluating clinical specimens obtained from patients with the disorder. Although some studies suggest a role for A. felis in cat scratch disease,2 recent findings suggest that another organism may be responsible for most cases.