High Ionic Charges in Field-Evaporating5dTransition Metals

An energy-focused time-of-flight atom probe has been used in a search for highly charged ions of field-evaporating 5d transition metals. Maximum abundances of mostly new ion species were 1×105 for W6+, 2.3×104 for W5+, 2×104 for Ta5+, 6.7×103 for Hf4+, 2×102 for Re4+, 5×105 for Ir4+, 5×102 for Pt3+, and 6×102 for Au3+. Thus for the group Hf, Ta, and W, all 6s and 5d electrons may be coming off, while for Re to Au, at most only the 6s electron(s) and one pair of 5d electrons are removed.

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