New results on the reaction e+eμ+μ at √s =29 GeV

We have measured the process e+ eμ+ μ at √s =29 GeV using the High Resolution Spectrometer at SLAC PEP. The forward-backward charge asymmetry is Aμμ=-(4.9±1.5±0.5)% based on 5057 events. A subsample of 3488 μ+ μ events in the angular range cosθ‖<0.55 gives a cross-section ratio of Rμμ=0.990±0.017±0.030. The resulting couplings of the weak neutral current are gae gaμ=0.208±0.064± 0.021 and gve gvμ=0.027 ±0.051±0.089. The QED cutoff parameters are Λ+>170 GeV and Λ>146 GeV at 95% C.L.