Comparison of Tissue and Plasma Thromboplastic Activities.

The activities of saline, human brain, rabbit tissue, and human plasma thromboplastin were compared by noting the recalcification times of various plasma in the presence of these substances. Saline recalcification time was prolonged in all except the normal plasma. Human brain, rabbit tissue, and plasma thromboplastin recalcification times were normal in plasmas deficient in platelets, anti-hemophilic factor (AHF), plasma thromboplastin component (PTC), plasma thromboplastin antecedent (PTA), and Hageman factor. Tissue thromboplastin times were prolonged in plasmas deficient in proaccelerin, proconvertin and prothrombin and in heparinized plasma. Plasma thromboplastin times were normal in proaccelerin and proconvertin deficiencies and prolonged only in prothrombin deficiency or heparinized plasma. Plasma thromboplastin could be sedimented at 20,000 g and was inactive in the absence of Ca.