It is shown that the Yafet-Kittel triangular spin-configurations in the cubic spinel do not minimize the classical Heisenberg exchange energy. (Only nearest-neighbor AB and BB interactions, JAB and JBB, are included; one spin-magnitude SA for the A sites, and one, SB, for the B sites is assumed.) A theory of the classical ground state more general than that of Yafet and Kittel is investigated. This consists of first determining the largest value, y0, of yJBBSBJABSA for which the Néel configuration is stable with respect to arbitrary small spin-deviations. (y0 is roughly 10% smaller than the value of y found by Yafet and Kittel for the breakdown of the Néel configuration.) A perturbation method for finding the minimum energy configuration when yy0 is small and positive is then employed. It is concluded, (1) that equilibrium configurations exist which have nonzero angles between spins on the A sites simultaneously with angles between those on the B sites, in contrast with the Yafet-Kittel results; and (2) that there will be long-range-ordered, canted spin configurations in the cubic spinel, contrary to Anderson's suggestion. These conclusions are discussed in connection with experiments on MnCr2 O4 and Mn3 O4.