The incorporation of amino acids into the ribonucleic acid (RNA) of the fraction of the cell sap precipitated at pH 5.2 (pH 5 fraction) of liver, spleen and lymphosarcoma was studied. Alanine was incorporated to the same extent into liver and spleen preparations, whereas leucine was more actively incorporated into liver pH 5 RNA. Dilution of the pH 5 fraction enhanced the incorporation of amino acid into pH 5 RNA. If the cell sap was fractionated by the method of Sachs, which involves the removal of a precipiate formed by the addition of protamine, a fraction was obtained (S-protein) which promoted the incorporation of amino acid into microsomal protein. S-Protein contains no more than traces of RNA. When pH 5 RNA was added to S-protein the ability of this fraction to promote the incorporation of amino acid into microsomal protein was enhanced. Under these conditions amino acids were incorporated into pH 5 RNA. Incorporation of leucine into microsomal protein in the presence of non-dialyzed S-protein was not enhanced by glutathione. The reverse was true if dialyzed S-protein was used. Although the addition of liver pH 5 RNA to liver S-protein enhanced the incorporation of amino acids into liver microsomes, spleen pH 5 RNA had an inhibitory effect.