Normal Scalar Nonet;K1→2πDecay andK1−K2Mass Difference

We have assumed the existence of a scalar nonet [the physical particles are designated by (κ+, κ0); (κ¯0, κ), (ε+, ε0, ε), ξ0, and σ0] and have considered the dynamics of K12π decay, K0K¯0 transition, and S-wave ππ scattering. It is stressed that the scalar mesons, if they exist, will play a dominant role in the dynamics of each of the above three processes. We have assumed (for reasons discussed in a previous work) that all the parity-violating |ΔY|=1 nonleptonic transitions are dominated by the K1 tadpole, even though the latter is forbidden in the limit of SU(3). In order to obtain a consistent theoretical picture (in the single-particle intermediate-state approximation) for the observed sign (mK2>mK1) and magnitude of the K1K2 mass difference as well as the observed rate of the K12π decay, it appears necessary that there should exist scalar mesons lying above the mass of the K meson, especially an I=Y=0 scalar meson (called σ) lying close to the K meson but above it (510 MeV<mσ<550 MeV, say]. The width of the σ meson can be small [Γ(σ2π)1030 MeV, for example] and could lead to a small relative production cross section of the σ meson in pion-nucleon processes.