Interaction of chromosomal proteins with BrdU substituted DNA as determined by chromatin-DNA competition

Chromatin-DNA competition has been utilized to examine the general nature of chromosomal proteins interacting more strongly with BrdU substituted DNA. When chromatin is incubated with an excess of purified DNA, a portion of the chromosomal proteins will exchange to the purified DNA. These two complexes can then be separated on Metrizamide gradients due to their differing protein/DNA ratios. Using this technique we observe that most nonhistone chromosomal proteins will exchange to a competitor DNA, the extent of exchange being directly dependent upon the competitor DNA being present in excess. While essentially the same proteins will migrate to either unsubstituted or BrdU substituted DNA, the substituted DNA is found to be a quantitatively better competitor and its effectiveness as a competitor is directly related to the level of BrdU substitution.