Changes in plasma chemistry after drug‐induced liver disease or muscle necrosis in racing pigeons(Columba livia domestica)

Changes in plasma variables as a result of liver damage induced by ethylene glycol (group A) or D‐galactosamine (group B) and of muscle damage induced by doxycycline were compared. Plasma bile acid concentration was both a specific and a sensitive indicator of liver disease. Another specific, but less sensitive indicator of liver disease was 7‐GT. Plasma AS AT activity was the most sensitive indicator of disease of the liver, but was not specific, since increased ASAT activities were also seen during muscle disease. ALAT activity was slightly more sensitive to liver damage than 7‐GT, but was also not specific, being increased also after muscle damage. Plasma GLDH activity was increased only as a result of extensive liver necrosis. AP activity was of no value for detecting liver disease in the pigeon. CK activity was specific for muscle injury, though the activities of ALAT, ASAT and LD were also increased. Because of its long elimination half‐life, increased ALAT activity persisted for 9 days after muscle damage, whereas CK activity returned to reference values within 3 days. LDH was a poor indicator of damage to liver and muscle, despite its relatively high tissue concentrations in both tissues. The rapid disappearance rate of LDH from plasma probably explains this observation.