Extrachromosomal inheritance is ubiquitous among plants and animals; however, most extrachromosomal factors are uniparentally inherited through females, but not through males1. Examples include chloroplasts, mitochondria and a variety of intracellular symbionts. The only known exception to maternal extrachromo-somal inheritance in an animal is a paternally transmitted sex ratio factor (psr) which causes all-male families in the parasitic wasp, Nasonia vitripennis2,3. Normally in this wasp, male offspring are haploid and develop from unfertilized eggs whereas females are diploid and develop from fertilized eggs. The psr factor is either a venereally transmitted infection which prevents egg fertiliz-ation (and therefore causes all-male families), or a factor transmit-ted to eggs by the sperm of males carrying psr, which somehow prevents incorporation of the paternal chromosomes. Here we report that sperm from psr males fertilizes eggs, but that the paternal chromosomes are subsequently condensed into a chromatin mass before the first mitotic division of the egg and do not participate in further divisions. Resulting haploid offspring are male, but have inherited the paternal factor. This extrachromo-somal factor promotes its own transmission at the expense of the paternal chromosomes, and therefore can be considered a 'selfish' genetic element.