Isotope Localization of Infarcts in Aphasia

Radionucleide localization of infarcts producing aphasia was undertaken in 65 patients with a scan-test and onset-test interval of 1 mo. or less. The scans were traced on anatomical templates without knowledge of the aphasias. Aphasics were classified by their test scores according to taxonomic criteria, independently from localization. Scans belonging to each clinically distinct group were overlapped blindly. The results showed distinct areas for Broca''s conduction and Wernicke''s aphasics along the parasylvian axis of the lateral templates. Lesions of global aphasics covered all these areas; transcorticals were outside of them. Lesion size and severity of aphasia showed significant correlation. This brief systematic survey of aphasia is useful in predicting the anteroposterior location and often the depth and extent of lesions.