The interaction of atomic and molecular nitrogen with argon by scattering measurements

Absolute integral cross sections for collisions of N2 molecules and N atoms with Ar are measured as a function of velocity at thermal energies. For the N2–Ar case the glory structure observed in the cross section vs velocity plot does not appear to be affected by the anisotropy of the interaction. An analysis in terms of a spherically averaged potential model can be performed thus obtaining a reliable potential function. The N–Ar cross sections presented here are the first collisional study of N atoms leading to significant information on the interaction potential. Although, as shown by the magnetic behavior, the N atom beam is essentially a mixture of atoms in the two metastable 2DJ and 2PJ states, the results obtained, together with other properties of the excited atoms, indicate the presence of a low anisotropy in the N–Ar interaction. An analysis in terms of a simple and yet realistic potential model has been performed obtaining meaningful potential parameters for the N–Ar system. The results for N–Ar are tentatively inserted in a comparison of trends and regularities of the interactions of some second row elements of the periodic table with Ar.