Photodisintegration ofHe3

The 90° photodisintegration cross sections for He3 were measured for incident photon energies between 8.5 and 21.5 MeV by detecting proton-deuteron coincidences in CsI(Tl) scintillators immersed in 1 atm of gas. The source of x rays was the bremsstrahlung beam of the University of Illinois 22-MeV betatron. The simultaneous output pulses from the coincidences were displayed on a dual-beam oscilloscope and photographed. The particle energies were determined by pulse-height measurement, and electrons were rejected by pulse-shape analysis. The peak cross section for the He3(γ, p)d reaction, which is very sensitive to the nuclear size, occurs at 10.8±0.3 MeV and equals 0.092±0.004 mb/sr. Gaussian ground-state wave functions for He3 fail to predict the shape of the cross-section curve. The modified exponential wave function of Gunn and Irving gives a good fit for a root-mean-square nuclear radius of 1.94 F (corresponding to a charge radius of 2.1 F). The He3 charge form factor calculated with this wave function agrees very well with the electron scattering measurements of Collard and Hofstadter for small momentum transfers q and deviates by 20% only at q2=5 F2. Also, some information was acquired about the competing three-body photodisintegration process by detecting proton-proton coincidences in the cases where the angle between the two outgoing protons was near either 90 or 180°.

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