Resonant Brillouin Scattering in GaAs

The dispersion of the Brillouin-scattering cross section of fast-TA phonons in GaAs was measured in detail in the range 8850 to 11 500 Å at 295°K. Acoustoelectrically amplified domains supplied very intense acoustic flux in the range 0.2-1.0 GHz; this permitted a detailed study of the dispersion with a monochromator and a continuous light source. Close to the intrinsic absorption edge, we see a resonant contribution to the scattering cross section. Further from the edge, a deep minimum indicates that the contributions to the elasto-optic coefficient P44 from resonant and nonresonant terms have opposite signs. At still longer wave-lengths, the dominant trend is determined by the expected λ4 dependence of the scattering cross section. The effect of increasing phonon intensity on the dispersion curve was studied and correlated with an associated broadening of the intrinsic absorption edge.