Distribution of Services and Supports for People With Traumatic Brain Injury in Ruraland Urban Missouri

New paradigms of disability suggest that many variables interact to influence the community functioning of people with traumatic brain injury (TBI), including injury severity and social, psychological, and environmental factors. Unfortunately, the majority of TBI outcome research to date has primarily focused on injury severity variables (e.g., neuroradiologic findings, loss of consciousness, posttraumatic amnesia) to the exclusion of environmental variables. Limited environmental resources such as rehabilitation professionals, facilities, and services may be significant barriers that affect outcome for people with TBI, particularly for those in rural areas. Using data from Missouri, where 32% of the population lives in rural counties, this study researched the availability of rehabilitation resources for individuals with TBI, with an emphasis on differences between rural and urban areas. Data indicated that there is a scarcity of rehabilitation professionals (i.e., physiatrists, mental health providers, rehabilitation therapists),facilities (i.e., hospitals offering comprehensive rehabilitation therapies), and services (i.e., support groups) in rural areas of the study state. The results suggest that (1) future rehabilitation researchers need to evaluate the impact of accessibility to rehabilitation services and resources on the outcome of people with TBI and (2) TBI health policy administrators need to consider how to increase rehabilitation resources for people with TBI in rural areas, including the use of rural-based training programs, rural debt-forgiveness training programs, and telehealth systems.