The development of recovery clones in radiation injured growth cartilage is described and the significance of later degeneration of clones is related to the cell-survival system based on clone counting. Radiation survival curves for cartilage plate cells was drawn from data on 94 animals and interpreted in terms of the equation surviving fraction S = ne-D/Do where n = extrapolation number and Do = slope. Data for cartilage plate cells in rat tibiae are: animals breathing air, Do [image] 165 rads, n [image] 6; anoxia, Do [image] 340 rads, n [image] 20; animals breathing O2 at 3 atmospheres, Do [image] 145 rads; O2 at 1 atm., Do [image] 150 rads; 95% O2 and 5% CO2, Do [image] 150 rads. Variation in recovery ratio with interval between 2 fractionated doses is described. Results are compared with survival data from other mammalian cell systems.