1. The changes resulting from superficial scarification of articular cartilage have been observed in the knee joint of adult rabbits. A reduction in the amount of stainable matrix ground substance occurred at the sites of damage. Particular attention was therefore paid to sulphated mucopolysaccharide synthesis by cartilage cells in or near the traumatised areas. 2. The femoral groove cartilage one week after scarification showed evidence of increased mucopolysaccharide synthesis, especially by the more superficial chondrocytes near the cuts, but three or four weeks later the enhanced chondrocyte activity tended to diminish, and after six weeks the superficial cells near the cuts were found to be inactive. From six to thirty-four weeks the loss of stainable ground substance extended more deeply, but cell degeneration in these deeper areas of matrix depletion was preceded by a period in which many of the deeper chondrocytes still showed evidence of active mucopolysaccharide synthesis. Cellular activity in tags of depleted cartilage was usually lost before the tags finally disintegrated. Chondrocyte clusters were often seen in the scarified areas, especially in the deeper zones. They seemed to be a reactive rather than degenerative phenomenon. 3. In the scarified cartilages of the patella examined after one week a reactive response by superficial chondrocytes was less evident than in the femoral cartilage from the same joint, and after six weeks areas of deeply extending matrix loss were exceptional. 4. The structural and functional changes in the rabbits' femoral articular cartilage after its scarification resembled those which have been observed in the developing cartilage lesion of human osteoarthritis–namely, loss of interstitial matrix and superficial fibrillation, a stimulated synthesis of chondroitin sulphate by the chondrocytes, and the appearance of cell clusters in the deeper zones. Within the period of the experiment, up to thirty-four weeks, the joint lesions remained strictly localised to the traumatised areas ofcartilage, and exposure of bone and joint remodelling, which are features of advanced osteoarthritis in man, were not seen.