Mitochondrial control region and protein coding genes sequence variation among phenotypic forms of brown trout Salmo trutta from northern Italy

The Pô River basin of northern Italy is the home of distinctive and endemic morphological forms of brown trout Salmo trutta. We used PCR-direct sequencing and RFLP techniques to study variation in the mitochondrial control region of 225 trout in order to assess genetic relatedness among 18 populations from that region. The distribution analysis of these genotypes among north Italian populations confirmed the phylogenetic differentiation of marbled trout Salmo trutta marmoratus populations and the postglacial origin of S. t. fario. Extensive genetic heterogeneity was observed among morphologically identical S. t. fario populations. Introgression with domestic strains of Atlantic basin origin was detected in all forms. In order to assess the phylogenetic congruence detected in coding and noncoding regions of the mitochondrial genome, we also analysed sequence variation in segments of the cytochrome b and ATPase subunit VI genes among representatives of all variants detected in the analysis of the control region. Variation in protein coding genes was only slightly less than that observed in the control region of the same individuals, both in terms of number of variants detected and of pairwise sequence divergence estimates among variants. Phylogenetic analysis based on protein coding genes sequences identified the same phylogenetic groupings defined by the control region analysis and also allowed a partial resolution of their phyletic relationships that was previously unresolved. However, coding and noncoding segments differed substantially in the transition-transversion ratio (17:0 in coding segments vs. 17:6 in control region segments).