The authors have investigated the influence of the shape of pair potentials on the existence and properties of soliton-like (quasisoliton) solutions in periodic one-dimensional lattices. The classical equations of motion were solved numerically for chains of 'atoms' with nearest-neighbour interactions. The class of pair potentials studied has the form Vsigma (r) varies as exp(-2br)-2 sigma exp(-br/ sigma ), sigma >0. For all sigma 's tested ( sigma =1, 5, 10, 15), quasisoliton solutions were observed to propagate with essentially constant velocity and survived many collisions. The most interesting conclusion is that long-lived quasisoliton solutions apparently exist for most systems with realistic anharmonic potentials. The conditions these potentials have to satisfy (a sufficiently steep, short-range repulsive part and an asymmetric (V(r+r0) not=V(r-r0), for all r0) overall shape) are weak. The nature of the long-range part is unimportant. The initial conditions are more decisive; they determine the nature and behaviour of the quasisolitons created. Integrability of the Hamiltonian does not seem to be necessary for the existence of quasisolitons.