Forward Compton Scattering from Hydrogen and Deuterium at 8 and 16 GeV

Compton-scattering cross sections from hydrogen (γpγp) and from deuterium have been measured at four-momentum transfer t in the range 0.014<~t<~0.17 GeV2 and photon energies of 8 and 16 GeV. Fits to our proton data of the form dσdt=AeBt give B7.8 GeV2 and an intercept A which is in agreement with the optical point. Both coherent scattering from deuterons and incoherent scattering from neutrons and protons are seen from deuterium. A small difference between the neutron and proton cross sections is seen, indicating the presence of about a 3% isovector t-channel exchange amplitude in addition to the predominant isoscalar amplitude. The vector-dominance model predicts lower cross sections (by at least 20%) for both the hydrogen and deuterium cases.