Direct biochemical mapping of eukaryotic viral DNA by means of a linked transcription-translation cell-free system.

A method is described for mapping regions of eukaryotic viral DNA coding for specific proteins, utilizing a linked transcription-translation cell-free system primed with DNA fragments generated by restriction endonucleases. Three simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA fragments derived from that region of the DNA expressed late in lytic infection were purified. They were: Hpa I-A (0.76-0.175 map units), Bgl I-EcoRI-B (0.672-0), and Hpa II-EcoRI-B (0.735-0). (Fragments are named from the cleaving restriction endonuclease and electrophoretic mobility. End positions on the conventional map are in clockwise order.) These fragments efficiently stimulated the incorporation of [3H]UTP and [35S]methionine into trichloroacetic-acid-insoluble material in the linkec system. The location of the region of DNA coding for the viral structural proteins VPI, VP2 and VP3 was determined from the spectrum of polypeptide synthesis directed by the individual intact fragments and their specific endonucleolytic digests. The polypeptides synthesized in the cell-free system were characterized on urea-sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gradient gels and by two-dimensional tryptic peptide analysis. ..

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