Localization of myosin and actin in ocular nonmuscle cells

Myosin and actin were localized by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy using specific antibodies prepared in rabbits against highly purified gizzard myosin and actin. A strong fluorescence staining with both antibodies was observed in rat corneal epithelial cells, anterior lens epithelial cells, rod inner segments, and in rat and frog pigment epithelial cells. The immunohistochemical localization of myosin in corneal epithelial cells was further supported by the electrophoretic and immunological identification of smooth muscle type myosin heavy chain in pure corneal epithelial abrasions. Electron-microscopic observations revealed a clear correlation between staining with actin antibodies and the presence of numerous thin cytoplasmic filaments (50–80 Å in diameter). The functional and biochemical nature of 90–110 Å filaments occurring in corneal and lens epithelial cells, as well as the ultrastructural localization of myosin in ocular nonmuscle cells under study remains obscure.