Electrostatic Corrections to Nucleon-Nucleon Dispersion Relations

Assuming that a nonrelativistic wave-function description of the nucleon-nucleon scattering system is valid at low energy and large distances, we investigate the analytic properties of the nuclear (i.e., total minus Coulomb) partial wave scattering amplitudes as a function of the c.m. momentum q. For singlet states, we find that the essential singularity at q2=0 can be treated exactly in the partial wave dispersion relation. The remaining singularities are branch points located at the same position as for the non-Coulomb case. The discontinuity across the one-pion exchange cut is a simple multiplicative factor (which goes to unity as e2 goes to zero) times the discontinuity in the absence of Coulomb scattering. From this structure we derive an integral equation for the partial wave scattering amplitude.