A soln. of [alpha]-estradiol in propylene-glycol-alcohol (0.5 mg. per cc.) has been used on the sublingual veins of castrate, hysterectomized and menopause patients for the purpose of controlling estrogen deficiencies. Daily doses of 0.1 cc. were given 4 times a day for 2, 4 and 14 days. Results were evaluated in terms of vaginal cornification, using the author''s simplified technique of staining the vaginal smears. The vaginal material was spread thinly on slides and dried with compressed air, stained for 20 secs. with 2% aq. soln. of basic fuchsin, rinsed in tap water and dried with compressed air. Photomicrographs show 7 graduated phases of vaginal cells, used as a "measuring rod" in the evaluation. 21 of 41 patients did not maintain quite the same estrogenic level as when receiving a-estradiol benzoate intramusc. These were given an intramusc. inj. and the sublingual therapy 5 times daily instead of 4, with adequate results. The adm. of [alpha]-estradiol in a propylene-glycol-alcohol soln. is equally as effective mg. for mg. as [alpha]-estradiol benzoate given by hypodermic inj.