A structure adapted multipole method for electrostatic interactions in protein dynamics

We present an algorithm for rapid approximate evaluation of electrostatic interactions in molecular dynamics simulations of proteins. Traditional algorithms require computational work of the order O(N2) for a system of N particles. Truncation methods which try to avoid that effort entail untolerably large errors in forces, energies and other observables. Hierarchical multipole expansion algorithms, which can account for the electrostatics to numerical accuracy, scale with O(N log N) or even with O(N) if they become augmented by a sophisticated scheme for summing up forces. To further reduce the computational effort we propose an algorithm that also uses a hierarchical multipole scheme but considers only the first two multipole moments (i.e., charges and dipoles). Our strategy is based on the consideration that numerical accuracy may not be necessary to reproduce protein dynamics with sufficient correctness. As opposed to previous methods, our scheme for hierarchical decomposition is adjusted to structural and dynamical features of the particular protein considered rather than chosen rigidly as a cubic grid. As compared to truncation methods we manage to reduce errors in the computation of electrostatic forces by a factor of 10 with only marginal additional effort.