Detection of a human melanoma-associated antigen, p97, in histological sections of primary human melanomas

The unlabelled antibody technique of Sternberger was used to study the localization in histological sections of human melanoma-associated antigen p97, which is defined by a monoclonal antibody. The antigen was detected in 8 of 10 primary skin melanomas, in 6 of 7 metastatic melanomas and in 2 of 2 compound nevi. It was localized at the cell surface, the cytoplasm and the nucleus always being negative. The antigen was not seen in cells from 3 basal cell carcinomas, I squamous cell carcinoma, I leiomyosarcoma, or in samples of normal skin (including keratinocytes, connective tissue consisting of collagenous and elastic fibers, fibroblasts, sebaceous glands, blood vessels, smooth muscles, or inflammatory cells such as granulocytes, lymphocytes and macrophages), kidney or lung. There was, however, staining of some cells in the secretory segment of eccrine sweat glands from 2 patients, possibly corresponding to myoepithelial cells. Antigen expression was somewhat variable between cells from different melanomas as well as between individual cells from the same melanoma. The possible diagnostic value of this procedure for identification and classification of melanomas is discussed.

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