Data from isozyme and leaf shape variation are combined to explore the clonal structure at a site where hybridization between Sphagnum rubellum and Sphagnum capillifolium was previously indicated. Shoots of both species were sampled at 10-cm intervals along seven transects across different hummocks. Allelic data from 13 enzyme systems revealed 22 multilocus genotypes representing different clones, 18 being S. capillifolium and 4 being S. rubellum. The mean ± SE and maximum clonal length were 35 ± 8 cm and 160 cm, respectively. The sets of alleles found in the progeny of S. capillifolium were identical to the maternal complement of alleles in 78% of the material, indicating either self-fertilization or fertilization by a male with the same set of alleles at the screened loci. Outcrossing was detected in six cases. Patterns of differentiation and the hierarchical structuring of diversity among species, transects, and clones were analysed with canonical variates analysis using stem-leaf characters. A stronger relative differentiation was found between transects than between species. Clones identified by electrophoresis were usually morphologically well defined. Hybridization was indicated by morphological characters, occasional misplaced alleles, and signs of developmental instability. Keywords: allozymes, computerized image analysis, breeding system, clonal structure, Sphagnum rubellum, Sphagnum capillifolium.