Characterization ofAndante, A NewDrosophilaClock Mutant, and its Interactions with Other Clock Mutants

A new clock mutant, named Andante, has been identified on the X chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster. Andante lengthens the period of the circadian eclosion and locomotor activity rhythms by 1.5–2.0 hours. The phase response curves for the eclosion and activity rhythms, indicating light-induced phase shifts, show a similar degree of lengthening. Andante also lengthens the periods of other clock mutants, including Clock, and alleles of the period locus. Analysis of locomotor activity rhythms reveals that Andante is semi-dominant, and Andante rhythms are highly temperature compensated. The sine oculis mutation, which eliminates the outer visual system, has no effect on the period of Andante. Deficiency mapping indicates that Andante is located in the IOEI-2 to IOFI region of the X chromosome, close to the miniature-dusky locus. Whereas Andante flies have a dusky wing phenotype, dusky flies do not have an Andante clock phenotype.