Hemodynamic Consequences of Common Carotid Artery Thrombosis and Thrombogenically Activated Blood in Rats

We documented the hemodynamic consequences of nonocclusive common carotid artery thrombosis (CCAT) and tested the hypothesis that vasoactive substances capable of altering local CBF (LCBF) are released into the systemic circulation following cerebrovascular injury. Ten minutes after photochemically induced CCAT, an autoradiographic determination of LCBF was conducted with [14C]iodoantipyrine. In blood transfusion studies using donor and recipient rats, a 1-ml sample of thrombogenically activated blood (TAB) collected downstream from the forming thrombus was reinjected into a recipient rat 15 or 60 min before CBF study. A heterogeneous pattern of abnormal LCBF was documented in the ipsilateral hemisphere of CCAT rats and recipient rats receiving TAB 15 min before CBF study. Acute hemodynamic abnormalities included ischemic (< 35% of control) and hyperemic (> 125% of control) foci and more global reductions (50–80% of control) in cortical and subcortical LCBF. Border zone hyperemia exceeding 2.0 ml/g/min was associated with focal sites of severe LCBF reductions. Although recipient rats that received TAB 15 min before CBF study displayed similar hemodynamic abnormalities, LCBF values in 60-min recipient rats were not significantly different from control despite ischemic foci. Humoral factors generated during CCAT appear to be responsible for the acute LCBF consequences of cerebrovascular thrombosis. Vasoactive substances released from a thrombotic site, capable of regionally affecting vascular reactivity in a time-dependent fashion, might be expected to participate in the pathogenesis of transient ischemic attacks and acute stroke.