Beneficial effects of induced hypertension on experimental stroke in awake monkeys

The authors performed a controlled study of induced hypertension therapy for treatment of experimental stroke in unanesthetized monkeys. Ten control and 10 treated animals were subjected to a 4-hour occlusion of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) by an implanted tourniquet. Neurological status and local cerebral blood flow (CBF) were monitored serially. Local CBF was determined by hydrogen clearance in and around the elevated 20% to 40% by intravenous infusion of phenylephrine hydrochloride. Neuropathological evaluation was performed after about 2 weeks. A 4-hour occlusion of the MCA in control animals caused moderate stable neurological deficits, moderate stable decreases in local CBF, and medium-sized infarcts. With induced hypertension, five of 10 treated animals showed neurological improvement, and eight exhibited increased CBF in the ischemic zone. Average infarct size tended to be smaller in the treated group, although the difference did not reach statistical significance. Hemorrhagic infarcts were not observed. In four animals, phenylephrine caused cardiac dysrhythmias and hypotension which were reversed by appropriate measures. In this unanesthetized primate model of moderate experimental stroke, induced hypertension had beneficial effects on neurological status, local CBF, and infarct size without causing hemorrhagic infarction. Induced hypertension may be beneficial for some clinical cases of focal cerebral ischemia.