Accident off-site consequence calculations and risk assessments performed for the “risk oriented analysis” of the German prototype fast breeder reactor SNR-300 were performed with a modified version of the off-site accident consequence model UFOMOD. The modifications mainly relate to the deposition and resuspension processes, the ingestion model, and the dose factors. Consequence calculations at the site of Kalkar on the Rhine River were performed for 115 weather sequences in 36 wind directions. They were based on seven release categories evaluated for the SNR-300 with two different fueling strategies: plutonium from Magnox reactors only and plutonium from light water reactors and Magnox reactors. In parallel, the corresponding frequencies of occurrence are determined. The following results are generated: For comparison with the risk of a PWR-1300, calculations for the PWR-1300 of the “German Risk Study” were repeated with the same modified consequence model. Comparison shows that smaller risks result for the SNR-300. However, the confidence interval band-widths obtained for the frequencies of the release categories for the SNR-300 are larger than those of the PWR-1300.