A Study of Predators of Mosquito Larvae and Pupae with a Radio-active Tracer

The importance of predators in the natural control of mosquitoes has been suggested by a number of workers. Comprehensive reviews have been presented by Hinman (1934) and Gerberich (1946). The conclusions are open to some question, however, since the investigations were confined for the most part to studies in laboratory aquaria. These environments create conditions such as crowding, absence of prey shelter, and lack of alternative prey, which prevent an analysis of predation in terms of field conditions. An accurate assessment of predation in nature requires a technique to identify predators that have consumed prey. This is a report on an attempt to analyse the predator-prey relationships of animals in a natural mosquito pool in a woodland swamp near Chatterton, in Hastings County, Ontario, in April and May, 1953, by means of a radioactive tracer.

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