Second trimester abortion was induced in 92 women by extra-amniotic instillation of Rivanol and/or PGF2.alpha. [prostaglandin F2.alpha.] followed by i.v. oxytocin after 24 h. All instillations were made via a catheter with a balloon filled with 30 ml and left in place until abortion, but never for more than 24 h. Induction was started by Rivanol alone (n = 23), PGF2.alpha. alone (n = 23), Rivanol combined with PGF2.alpha. (n = 23) or Rivanol combined with half dose PGF2.alpha. (n = 23) and the patients were allotted to the different groups in a random manner. The Rivanol solution was instilled as a single dose but PGF2.alpha. was instilled every 2nd hour for 24 h. The mean induction-abortion time was similar in all 4 groups, but a number of patients given PGF2.alpha. alone or in combination with Rivanol aborted earlier than patients induced by Rivanol alone during the period before i.v. oxytocin was administered. Gastrointestinal side effects were equally common after Rivanol as after PGF2.alpha.. With the methods and doses used in the present investigation PGF2.alpha. alone or combined with Rivanol with subsequent oxytocin had no over-all advantage over Rivanol.