Epidemiological aspects ofCampylobacter jejunienteritis

SUMMARY: An epidemiological study onCampylobacter jejunienterocolitis was performed in an urban Swedish community. The study included 55 patients gathered during a six-month period. Forty-one of the 55 patients (75%) were infected outside Sweden. Campylobacter enterocolitis was rare among children within the country. Patients infected in Sweden had eaten chicken significantly more often than a corresponding control group. Seven out of nine chicken consuming campylobacter patients also had prepared the fresh chicken alone, and none of their family members became ill. Thus the preparation of food contaminated withCampylobacterseems to elevate the risk for contracting the disease. Sick household pets transmitted the campylobacter infection to two patients. Forty-six of the patients had a total of 85 close household members. Three definite secondary cases were found. There was no evidence of transmissionof Campylobacterby food prepared by two cooks who were working while still being asymptomatic excreters. Clinical reinfection withCampylobacterwas observed in one patient. No patients became long-term carriers ofCampylobacter.