Decay Widths ofKResonances from a Relativistic Quark Model

The decay widths of K resonances are calculated in two relativistic quark models, using a unitary irreducible representation of the SL(2,C) group. The first model that is used (essentially due to Gell-Mann) considers the K meson to consist of an active (nonstrange) quark and an inert (strange) quark. The SL(2,C) group enters in an essential way to describe the orbital excitations of the K-meson tower. The second model, where the (strange) antiquark and the (nonstrange) quark are treated on an equal footing, involves the use of the two Dirac representations and an SL(2,C) representation. In the second model we have one free parameter, and it is possible to fit satisfactorily the decay rates of K*Kπ, KTKπ, KTK*π, and KAK*π. The possible generalization of this model to describe other hadrons is also discussed. The ratio of the s to d wave is predicted for the KAK*π decay.