Evidence for hard chiral logarithms in quenched lattice QCD

We present the first direct evidence that quenched QCD differs from full QCD in the chiral (mq→0) limit, as predicted by chiral perturbation theory, from our quenched lattice QCD simulations at β=6/g2=6.0. We measure the spectrum of light hadrons on 163×64, 243×64, and 323×64 lattices, using staggered quarks of masses mq=0.01, mq=0.005, and mq=0.0025. The pion masses show evidence for logarithmic violations of the PCAC relation mπ2mq, as predicted by quenched chiral perturbation theory. The dependence on spatial lattice volume precludes this being a finite size effect. No evidence is seen for such chiral logarithms in the behavior of the chiral condensate 〈ψ¯ψ〉.