An Identity Test for Pheniodol

Sir,–During recent work in our laboratories an identification test suitable for routine analysis was required for pheniodol, α-phenyl-β-(4-hydroxy-3:5-diiodophenyl)-propionic acid, but no assistance in this matter was obtained by a survey of the literature. Accordingly, we developed the following test which has proved satisfactory in the hands of several independent workers. Dissolve 0°5 g. in 15 ml. of 10 per cent. sodium hydroxide solution, warming if necessary. Add 1 g. of zinc dust and boil the mixture under a reflux condenser for 20 minutes. Cool, filter, add excess of dilute hydrochloric acid and collect the α-phenyl-β-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-propionic acid. Wash with water and re-crystallise the product from alcohol-water mixture. The crystals, after drying at 100°C, melt at 180° to 181°C. The filtrate, from the acid after separation from the original reaction mixture, affords reactions characteristic of iodides. It is felt that this test may be of interest to your readers.