Hyperfine Structure and Nuclear Moments of RaE (Bi210)

The magnetic-dipole interaction constant, a, and the electric-quadrupole interaction constant, b, have been measured for 5-day Bi210 (I=1) in an atomic-beam experiment. The results are |a|=21.78±0.03 Mc/sec and |b|=112.38±0.03 Mc/sec, with ba=+5.160±0.007. The nuclear magnetic-dipole and electric-quadrupole moments obtained from the interaction constants are |μ|=0.0442±0.0001 nm and |Q|=0.13±0.01 barn, respectively. The signs of these moments are not determined by the experiment. The ordering of the hyperfine levels is F=12, 52, and 32. The values of the hyperfine level separations are Δν(F=52F=32)=194.93±0.09 Mc/sec, Δν(F=32F=12)=220.19±0.08 Mc/sec.