Move More Diabetes

The purpose of this article is to describe Move More Diabetes (MMD), which is used by Lay Health Educators (LHEs) to promote physical activity and improve diabetes self-management among individuals with type 2 diabetes. Move More Diabetes used social marketing strategies to choose and segment the target audience, develop messages, and determine message delivery. Based on market research results, MMD chose natural peer support from LHEs as the main intervention strategy. Move More Diabetes built a sustainable volunteer network of 35 LHEs who recorded 1500 contacts with enrollees from 2004 to 2006. Participation improved when the program was not specific for diabetes. The MMD program demonstrated benefits of partnership and natural peer support and the utility of social marketing in planning and implementing a community-based chronic disease self-management and physical activity promotion program. This low-cost program can serve as a model for other rural communities interested in increasing physical activity to address chronic disease.