The extension of the classical rotational diffusion model proposed by Gordon in his study of linear molecules is applied to the evaluation of the reorientational correlation functions, their Fourier transforms, and correlation times for fluids composed of spherical‐top moelcules. The reorientational correlation times τθ(j) , describing the time correlation of a jth‐order spherical harmonic, are expressed as functions of the correlation time τJ for the angular momentum of the molecules. These expressions are valid for all values of ω̄τJ , where ω̄ is the root‐mean‐square angular frequency (kT / I)1 / 2 for a spherical‐top molecule with moment of inertia I . In the Debye limit (ω̄τJ ≪ 1), τθ(j) ≫ τJ , and τθ(j) are proportional to τJ−1 / ω̄2 ; in the perturbed‐free‐rotor limit (ω̄τJ ≫ 1), τθ(j) is proportional to τJ and is of comparable magnitude. τθ(j) goes through a minimum value when τθ(j), τJ , and ω̄−1 are approximately equal. Magnetic spin relaxation due to motional modulation of anisotropic spin–rotational interactions is also considered in the framework of this extended diffusion model. The resulting expression for the spin relaxation times involves a correlation function containing both the time correlation of the orientation of the molecule and the angular momentum of the molecule simultaneously. This correlation function and hence the spin‐relaxation times, can be calculated on the basis of the extended diffusion model for all values of ω̄τJ without assuming any separability or independence of the correlations of the molecular orientation and angular momentum. In the Debye limit, the expression for the spin‐relaxation times reduces to that of Hubbard, and in the perturbed‐free‐rotor limit, it reduces to the result previously obtained by Bloom et al.