Late Hadrynian and Helikian pole positions from the Spokane Formation, Montana

The natural remanent magnetizations of Beltian argillites from the Spokane Formation (formerly Grinnell Formation) have been analyzed with alternating field and thermal demagnetization techniques. Two groups of magnetic directions have been observed. One is assumed to be the primary magnetization, representative of the Helikian (approx. 1300 Ma) geomagnetic field: D = 201.5°; I = +40°; k = 61; and α95 = 5.1° for N = 14 sites (51 samples), yielding a pole position at 15.5 °S. 134.5 °W, dp = 3.7°, dm = 6.2°. Comparisons with contemporaneous pole positions reveal good agreement. The other direction of magnetization corresponds to a Late Hadrynian age (approx. 600 to 750 Ma) and resulted from low-grade metamorphism. It is speculated that this thermal event resulted from enhanced heat flow during continental breakup in the Late Hadrynian. This direction (D = 267.5°; I = +17; k = 10; α95 = 9.1° for N = 28 specimens) yields a pole position at 5°N, 163.5°E, with dp = 4.9°, dm = 9.4°. Both groups of directions of magnetization are pre-folding, which occurred during the Laramide orogeny. Laramide deformation was only moderate, however, and the eastward thrusting of the Beltian sediments over the Lewis thrust was probably not accompanied by significant structural rotation.