Indometacinkonzentration in Blut, Synovia, Synovialis sowie Haut,Unterhautfettgewebe und Muskulatur nach mehrmaliger kutaner Applikation einer alkoholischen Indometacinlösung*

Patients with an affected knee joint who had been selected for surgery were given an application of a 1% indomethacin solution three times daily at the knee joint to be operated, over an area of about 200 square centimetres, each application being equivalent to 33 mg indomethacin. At defined intervals after the last application, the surgeon removed samples of synovia, synovial membrane, skin, subcutaneous fatty tissue and musculature and determined the indomethacin concentration in each of these. Low concentrations (ng/ml) of indomethacin were found in the serum and synovia. Markedly higher concentrations were seen in musculature, fatty and connective tissue and to a lesser extent in the synovial membrane. These higher concentrations may be explained most probably by a local penetration of indomethacin from the reservoir in the horny layer of the epidermis. The fact that high concentrations are also found in the subcutaneous fatty tissue and musculature confirms the good clinical results of the application in the fields of sports medicine and rheumatism of the soft parts.