Interpretation of high-energy X-ray satellites of L2,3emission bands of Na, Mg, Al and Si

The high-energy satellite of the L2,3 X-ray emission band in Na, Mg, Al and Si has for a long time been attributed to the decay of an initial state with two holes in the 2p shell. In particular, the satellite threshold has been assigned to an initial (2p2)1D state. It has recently been found that X-ray and Auger data give two different values for the energy of this doubly-ionized state, and attempts have been made to interpret this difference in terms of localized valence states. The authors have re-examined the interpretation of the L2,3, satellite using data on K and L2,3 satellites, Auger and radiative Auger KLL spectra. It is concluded that the L2,3 satellite originates from an initial (2p2)3P state, contrary to previous assumptions.