Ozone Inactivation of Floc Associated Viruses and Bacteria

It has been shown that some viruses and bacteria in their natural environment may exist embedded or adsorbed within various solid materials. These viruses may exhibit a totally different response to a disinfectant in an unadsorbed or free state. It was found that poliovirus (Sabin type 1), coxsackievirus A9, and Escherichia coli adsorbed to hydrated aluminum oxide floc were afforded no protection at floc turbidity levels of 1 and 5 turbidity units over the O3 concentration range up to 0.25 mg/L. Approx 3 log units per ml of poliovirus 1 and Coxsackie A9 were inactivated within 10 sec when the initial O3 concentration was ≤0.085 mg/L.