Die Phlebographie der oberen Extremität: Teil I: Technik und Befunde bei 230 Untersuchungen

We report on 230 phlebographic examinations in the shoulder arm region which were performed by conventional X-ray technique and/or digital subtraction angiography (DSA). The detailed method of examination as well as anatomical variants of the vessels are explained. The group of patients was analysed concerning its composition and was subdivided with regard to clinically relevant diagnoses. Contrary to statements in the literature, the number of pathological findings in men or women were equal. The main age was between 40 and 50 years. The brachial vein was found to be doubled so often that this might be accepted as a normal situation. Phlebographic examinations were performed in the right arm twice as often as in the left one. 172 primary examinations, more than 60% showed a pathological result.