The phenotype of certain mutations in pyrA, the gene encoding carbamylphosphate synthetase (CPSase), is expressed only in the presence of exogenous arginine. In unsupplemented media, synthesis of carbamylphosphate and growth was almost normal; in arginine-containing media, synthesis of carbamylphosphate stopped, as did growth, as a consequence of starvation for pyrimidine. Genetic and biochemical evidence suggests that arginine exerts this inhibition by repressing the synthesis of ornithine carbamyltransferase (OTCase), the intracellular presence of which is required for assembly of the unequal subunits and proper functioning of the mutant CPSase. After the addition of arginine to a culture of the mutant, CPSase activity (glutamine dependent) characteristic of the intact holoenzyme progressively decreased, but activity (NH3 dependent) characteristic of the free large .alpha. subunit increased. Extracts of mutant cells contain free small .beta. subunits, as demonstrated directly by in vitro complementation using purified .alpha. subunits from wild type. The mutant enzyme from cultures grown in the presence of arginine had a markedly decreased affinity for ATP. Mutations in argR that cause derepressed synthesis of OTCase suppressed the phenotype, and a certain mutation in argI, the gene encoding OTCase, enhanced it. In vitro experiments using purified enzyme confirm the stimulatory effect of OTCase on the activity of mutant CPSase.