The material here described was mostly obtained as a result of a period of study and travel in East Africa in 1939. Two of the species were reared from Coccidae of the genus Aspidoproctus at Amani, Tanganyika Territory, and their life, history is the subject of an accompanying paper. I am greatly indebted to Dr F. W. Edwards, F.R.S., for allowing me to describe the remarkable species collected by him on Ruwenzori, Uganda, in 1935. I am also most grateful to Dr R. H. Le Pelley of the Scott Agricultural Laboratories, Nairobi, and Dr E. A. Lewis of the Veterinary Research Laboratory, Kabete, Nairobi, for other valuable new material. In addition, The Imperial Institute of Entomology has kindly allowed me to examine and describe material from Uganda in their possession which had been erroneously identified as Cryptochaetum iceryae (Will.). Type specimens of all species will be deposited in the British Museum.