The Effectiveness of Psycholinguistic Training, a Reevaluation

A 1974 review of research on psycholinguistic training by Hammill and Larsen questioned the efficacy of training functions after an analysis of 38 selected studies that used the Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities as a criterion for improvement. A reanalysis of these same efficacy studies of psycholinguistic training was undertaken in order to determine the validity of the conclusion that the effectiveness of psycholinguistic training is nonvalidated. Twenty-four of the 38 studies are herein reevaluated. The reexamination leads to conclusions at marked variance with the statement that psycholinguistic training is nonvalidated. This reanalysis indicates that some studies show significant positive results as measured by the ITPA, some studies show positive results in the areas remediated, and some do not show results from which any conclusion can be drawn.